
Wine down under: 6 tips for making you an Australian wine expert

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Australia has earned a reputation for winemaking to rival that of the Old World. Our vintages are celebrated and sought-after by the world’s finest restaurants and most discerning collectors, ensuring a reputation at the top of the global industry!

But there is no better place to go from novice to connoisseur than right here in our own backyard.

With this in mind, here are seven tips on how to become an Australian wine expert:

Learn about the different regions

You are certainly spoiled for choice when it comes to Australian boutique wines. After all, our wide land boasts over 60 growing regions producing over 100 different grapes, and whilst this may seem a little overwhelming at first, you can certainly wrap your head around them once you understand a bit more about our different varieties.

From the Barossa’s earthy Shiraz to the Hunter’s fruity Sémillon, to Maragaret River’s citrusy Chardonnay and the Yarra’s complex Pinot Noir, you just need to start exploring the different regions’ offerings to begin your journey into understanding our wonderful vintages!

Pick up the right accessories

To truly enjoy this wonderful drink, you need to pick up the right accessories. Naturally, you need the right glasses, and those that are suitable for the different varieties found across the country. Next, a winged corkscrew or waiter’s corkscrew is the perfect choice for an opener, complimented by a gel-filled wine sleeve that will keep your bottle cool throughout your tasting session.

Study your labels

Labels tell you everything you need to know about a particular vintage, so learning about how to read them is essential for becoming an expert. They will tell you about the vintage’s acidity levels, grape varieties, flavour profile and the winery’s techniques. Once you start to combine your own personal tastes with the label information you will be going a long way to being a specialist!

Store your bottles correctly

Because the last thing you want to do is spoil a great bottle, so you want to ensure that you always store it properly. Bottles should always be stored horizontally and in a dark, cool place, away from vibration and direct sunlight.

The right storage temperature is between 11-14 degrees Celsius, and you can always invest in a cabinet or cooler just to ensure correct storage techniques are applied.

Always serve it properly

Serving your vino correctly is almost as important as proper storage, as this makes all the difference to the flavour profile. Red vintages should always be served between 16-18 degrees Celsius, whereas whites should be served between a cool 10-14 degrees Celsius.

You should never overfill a glass as this will create a poor tasting experience, but you should also avoid underfilling it, as this will over-oxygenate the glass and create a similarly poor experience.

You should fill the glass as follows:

⦁ Red: Pour around half a glass (four ounces);
⦁ White: Pour around one-third of a glass (three ounces);
⦁ Champagne: Pour around two-thirds of a glass (five ounces).

⦁ And finally, be sure to hold your glass correctly!

Because holding the glass’s body can alter the drop’s temperature and flavour, be sure to hold it by the stem whilst resting your fingers on its base.

Follow these handy tips and tricks to become an Australian wine connoisseur. Of course, there is a lot that goes into finding your favourite drop, but the journey is what makes this such an exciting epicurist adventure – enjoy!

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