

Easter may be the end of Lent, and for those of you who have given up chocolate for Lent will no doubt be celebrating the fact that you can once again indulge in your favourite sweet treat. But Easter is also a great excuse to spoil your loved ones with Easter gifts that tell them how much they mean to you.

However, beyond the usual chocolate eggs and fluffy bunnies and easter chicks, there never seems to be any interesting or creative gift ideas around Easter, so we have done the hard work for you, trawled the internet, and come up with great alternatives.

Don’t forget, the Easter heralds the start of spring, so think beyond the Easter weekend and suddenly your imagination will start throwing up ideas that go beyond the confines of Easter, and help to put that spring back into your step after the cold, dark winter months.

A personal training programme

When Easter arrives and with it the longer evenings and warmer weather, our minds start to turn towards holidays. So what better time to start working on that beach body. Get online and seek out a recommended personal trainer. Often they will do an introductory package that will get your loved one off the sofa and into the gym.

Everything for the garden

April is the time of the year when the garden starts to regenerate itself and new buds start showing signs of life after a winter of hibernation. With this eruption of new life comes an opportunity to teat your loved ones to paraphernalia for the garden.

For the budding gardener anything from a packet of new bulbs, to smart new garden furniture would be a welcome Easter gift, and the perfect excuse to get outside into the fresh air. A gardener is always satisfied with a new piece of gardening equipment that they may have been lusting after for some time. Alternatively, any new shrub or rose bush is a welcome addition to the collection. Whatever you decide, as Easter gifts go, you’ll be onto a winner!

Spring clean the home

Spring is always a time of spring cleaning. You can finally throw open the doors and let some fresh air in after hunkering down during the colder winter months in front of the fire.

However, spring cleaning can also be a time consuming task, particularly if your gift recipient works full time and looks after a large family. So why not treat them to a proper spring clean, carried out by a professional cleaning company. For the price of a meal out, you can arrange for a reputable company to come in and clean the house from top to bottom, giving your loved one the real treat of coming home to a fresh, clean, sweet smelling home without having to lift a finger!

Luxury picnic set

There’s nothing more relaxing and de-stressing than packing up  a picnic hamperand heading off somewhere quiet and serene where you can enjoy some of your favourite alfresco dishes. Somehow picnic grub always tastes so much better out in the fresh air. 

A weekend away somewhere special

Even better would be the opportunity to pack that picnic set into the boot of a car alongside a couple of suitcases, and whisk your loved one away to some special corner of the country. Sometimes the only way to completely relax and get away from the stresses of everyday life is to switch off your phones and escape to somewhere quiet and away from everyday life. It doesn’t have to be for long – but it does have to be special.

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