Famous People

Jane Dobbins Net Worth, Early Life,Relationship,Death

jane dobbins

Jane Dobbins Green was the ex wife of American businessman Ray kroc. Ray Kroc was the CEO of the most successful fast food chain business based in America, McDonald’s. It will be hard to find a person who doesn’t know about McDonald’s. McDonald’s franchise is successfully rulling the entire world. Jane Dobbins fmGreen was one of the wife of this super successful businessman. Their relationship was the talk of the town when the couple were together. But then the unfortunate happened. Keep an eye on the article to know more about Jane Dobbins Green and her husband named Ray Kroc.

About Jane Dobbins Green

Jane Dobbins Green was a beautiful woman. She was born in America. Her parents hold an American Nationality and so does Jane Dobbins Green. Her birth date and early Life is still a mystery. She was and is still remembered for her late husband Ray Kroc. She must be educated as the famous business person will never marry an illiterate woman.  Jane Dobbins Green didn’t make any appearance in public and preferred to remain hidden or can be said private for the rest of her Life.

Early Life

Jane Dobbins Green was Ray Kroc’s second marriage. They got married in 1963. Their marriage didn’t had a happy ending like other couples. That doesn’t make it fake or unreal but more like a movie or drama. When the two got married Ray Kroc was at the peak in his career. He was famous and as a business tycoon his deeds were not hidden from the public. Ethel Fleming was Ray Kroc’s first wife. They became one in 1922 and the marriage lasted till 1961. It was a 39 years long marriage until Ray chose to indulge in an extramarital affair. Their Long lasting marriage broke in 1961. Ethel Fleming and Ray Kroc have a daughter named Marilyn Kroc Barg together. And in 1963 Ray married Jane Dobbins Green. The interesting fact is that Jane Dobbins Green was not the one with whom Ray Kroc ditched his first wife. Strange isn’t it? There is more in the story.


Jane Dobbins’ relationship didn’t last long.

Jane and Ray’s divorce happened in 1968. The reason for their devorce was that Ray found his long lost love, Joan Kroc for whom he divorced his first wife. Let’s take a dive into their love story. Where they first met and how all these started. In 1957 at St. Paul Minnesota, Ray saw Joan Kroc, his future third wife. He was so mesmerised with her beauty that regarding their huge age difference he fell head over heels for her.  She was just 28 and Ray was 52 back then. Joan was a married woman with a daughter of 11 years named Linda. Her husband’s name was Rollie Smith. Ray Kroc and Joan Kroc soon started seeing each other after that meeting. It’s already been 4 years of dating. They were so in love that they overlooked the fact that Joan Kroc with her daughter was still married to Rollie Smith.

In 1961 Ray finally decided to end his 39 years long married life and continue his romantic relationship with Joan. He also thought of moving in with her. But due to an unfortunate incident Joan backed up. She refused to leave her former husband and start a new life with Ray. Joan’s parents were also against her extramarital affair. As a result of all this chaos they broke up and moved on.

Later in 1963 Ray Kroc accepted Jane Dobbins Green as his second wife and proceeded a new life. They spent 5 good years together and then had to say goodbye to each other as Ray found back the love of his life Joan Kroc. Yes, they met again when Joan was invited to McDonald’s convention in 1969. Their love started blooming again and this time much brighter and stronger. They were so determined that they both divorced their parents without a second thought and got married. That’s how Jane Dobbins Green left Ray’s life for good and never came back. They don’t have any children together.

Jane Dobbins’ death

Jane Dobbins Green’s death is still a mystery. She never came out to the Public eyes after the devorce with her ex-husband. There is no social media presence or any controversy that provides any news about her present situation. Many assume Jane as the writer Jane green who wrote books like Stardust, summer secrets etc. But being one person is completely absurd. She has nothing to do with the writer Jane Green.

About Jane’s husband Ray Kroc

Ray Kroc was the CEO of this world recognized franchise. In 1961 he bought McDonald’s and later became its CEO in 1967.His business ideas inspire millions to dream big. Even Hollywood couldn’t help but to make a film on his business ideas such as The Founder and some call it greed. His parents were Rose Mary Hrach ( mother) and Louis Kroc (father). He has a daughter named Marilyn Kroc Barg from his first marriage with Ethel Fleming. He was a patient of diabetes and arthritis. Ray Kroc died on 14 January in San Diego, California, United States.

Net worth

Jane Dobbins Green’s net worth estimation is quite tough as it’s not yet known if she is still alive or not. But her then husband, Ray Kroc’s net worth was $600 million when he died. Ray left his entire fortune to his beloved third wife Joan. She also chose to spend that fortune wisely. After becoming a widow she actively indulged in social work. Joan spent her inherited earnings in charity and philanthropy. Activities like promotion of peace and other appreciable work one will always find Joan’s name there.

Joan Kroc took her last breath in 2003. After her demise, the entire amount owned by her was distributed among various charities like The Salvation Army and National Public Radio.

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