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How Does Mold Grow?


Mold is a naturally-occurring organism that resides almost everywhere. It exists in soil and large amounts of organic material like trees. It thrives in humid environments as these kinds of places create moisture for them to grow.

Oftentimes, you won’t see mold growth. They can be inside walls, insulation, ceiling tiles, and crawl spaces. If your property has mold growth, it could impact your health.

But how does mold grow? Read on to learn more!

Understanding the Environment in Which Mold Grows

Many different types of molds are present in the environment. They can be destructive and cause harm to one’s health. It’s best to understand the environment in which mold can grow and thrive in to avoid it.

Mold growth increases in the following conditions:

  • Moisture and humidity
  • High surface temperature
  • Food sources
  • Dark areas

Additionally, mold can quickly take advantage of surfaces and grow within 24 to 48 hours. On surfaces that are continually exposed to moisture, there is a greater chance that they will develop and spread. Therefore, it is necessary to have proper ventilation and humidity control to minimize the growth of mold in the environment. 

Identifying the Causes of Mold Growth 

Mold grows when it has access to a combination of three elements, water, food, and oxygen. Water damage is one of the most common causes of mold growth. When certain materials become wet, it creates the perfect environment for mold to flourish.

Areas with water damage usually have high levels of humidity, which allow them to take hold and start to spread. Once mold has grown, it can then feed off other materials, turning them into its food source.

Preventing the Spread of Mold

Preventing the spread of mold in your house means reducing moisture and fixing water sources. To do this, it is important to:

  • Keep indoor humidity low
  • Getting rid of standing water quickly
  • Cleaning and drying wet surfaces
  • Introducing ventilation to affected areas

Furthermore, keeping the temperature relatively low can also help reduce the risk of mold growth. Lastly, always inspect and clean around windows to check for water damage or mold growth.

Mold Remediation and Health Consequences

Mold remediation is the process of mold removal from an indoor environment. During the procedure, all visible and hidden mold is eliminated, and the source of any moisture is identified and repaired.

However, ignoring mold problems can lead to issues in the respiratory system, allergic reactions, and even infections. This is why it is essential to find a reputable specialist to:

  • Remove existing mold
  • Analyze risk factors
  • Ventilate and dry the area

You can find mold remediation specialists who can take the right steps for proper care. You can be rest assured that your property is free from mold with their expertise.

A Brief Explanation of How Does Mold Grow

Mold will continue to be a problem for many people for years to come. The best way to stop them from growing is to kill the spores that are already present and to keep the area clean and dry.

Knowing how does mold grow lets you spot them right away. If you suspect they are already in your home, contact an expert for a thorough inspection and treatment.

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