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5 Major Signs of Substance Abuse


If a loved one has shown signs of substance abuse, it may be difficult to confront them directly. In fact, they could even get defensive if you try to confront them.

Instead of confronting them, there are several indirect ways that you can know if your loved one is abusing drugs and/or alcohol. If you notice several unusual signs in one person, there is an 80% to 95% chance that they are abusing substances.

While there are many drug rehab options for those in recovery, if left untreated, the probability of relapse is high with substance abusers.

Read on to learn more about substance abuse and the signs of it.

1. Avoiding Friends or Family Members

Family members and friends may observe signs of substance abuse among their loved ones. These signs may include avoidance of friends and family or sudden changes in usual behavior or activities.

Avoiding friends and family members can indicate that someone is using drugs or alcohol to cope with stress or difficult feelings. Those with a substance abuse problem are likely to withdraw from social involvement, not follow through with plans, and become more isolated. 

2. Nausea, Vomiting, or Excessive Sweating

Nausea, vomiting, or excessive sweating are common signs of substance abuse. This is due to an individual’s body’s reaction to the numerous toxins, chemicals, and unknown substances present in some substances of abuse.

Feeling nauseous, vomiting, and sweating can be signs of either physical or psychological addiction. People who are experiencing any of these symptoms, as well as dizziness, fatigue, or poor coordination, should seek help immediately. Click here for an effective crisis service as substance abuse treatment.

3. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

Possession of drug paraphernalia is one common sign of substance abuse. Drug paraphernalia can come in many forms, including pipes, bongs, and syringes. Additionally, drug paraphernalia may have drug residue or drugs found on them when discovered.

Other signs of drug paraphernalia can include traces of drugs or unusual objects that can be used to ingest or consume drugs. More items may also often be found in possession, including lighters, roach clips, tin foil, razor blades, and straws. 

4. Tremors or Shaking of the Hands, Feet, or Head

Tremors or shaking of the hands, feet, or head can be signs of substance abuse. This can occur due to an altered state of consciousness, which is often a result of drugs or alcohol.

It is important to look out for this sign as it could mean an individual is showing signs of addiction. Moreover, tremors or shaking can be associated with broken coordination and dexterity, which can lead to further issues.

5. Getting in Trouble With the Law

People who are abusing alcohol or drugs are more likely to take chances and, as a result, get in trouble with the law. They can get into arguments or fights, put themselves and others at risk, or drive while under the influence.

Substance abusers may also not follow workplace or school rules leading to suspensions or worse. In extreme cases, an individual’s substance abuse may even land them in jail. 

Read More About Signs of Substance Abuse

Substance abuse can have devastating consequences both for the person using drugs and those in the individual’s environment.

If you think you or someone you know is struggling with signs of substance abuse, reach out for help to find resources and support. Speak to a medical professional and advocate for yourself or your loved one.

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